ISO17025 TAF 認證校正實驗室
服務電話:(02)8512 2958 分機:285 / 286 行動電話:0932-590-996 / 0932-590-828
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 ISO17025 TAF校正實驗室
 當前位置:樓宇監控系統與傳感器 --- ET141-5 ,POWER防火開關

  Techmical lnstruction
  The Poowers Hihh Limit Control Thermosat is Ductmounted,and
  has a rigid buld ,liquid thermalSystem. When the temperature of
  the buld reaches the thermostat set point, the notmally Closed,
  SPST contacts snap open. The contact will not recluse until theduct
  air temperature drops at 25°F (14°C)(switch differential)below the
  set point,and the manyal reset button Is depressrd. The set point
  of the thrtmostst is adjustable from 25°F(-4°C)to an upper limit stop
  setting.This upper limit stop is set at 125°F(52°C). st the factory,
  but can be Changed in the field after removing the cover.The ,
  setting is 215°F(102°C)
       Normailly, the thermostat is used as a high limit control when a‘lock out”type control isDesired or required by local
       code. Often it is located in a return air duct and is Wired to shut down air conditioning or ventilating fans when the
       duct airtemperature
       Becomes excessive, as from a fire. Such conforms to Section172,National Board of Fire Underweiters pamphlet No. 90A
Motor Ratings
(Full Load Amps)
120v AC
240v AC 6.0 3—12v DC 1.0 12—50v AC 6.0
新北市三重區光復路一段82-5號8樓       郵遞區號:24158   服務電話:( 02 ) 8512 2958   傳真:( 02 ) 8512 2953 
        揮發性有機氣體偵測器, 正壓式空氣呼吸器, 室內空氣品質偵測器, 有害氣體偵測器, VOC氣體檢測器, 攜帶式氣體偵測器
    酒測器, 甲醛偵測器, 臭氧偵測器, PM2.5懸浮微粒偵測器, 作業安全警報器, 氣味偵測器(電子鼻), TAF認證校正實驗室